Discokit is still a work in progress!



@discokit/bitfields allows you to create and perform operations on bitfields with a simple API.


This package is available within the discokit package.

import { ... } from "discokit/bitfields"

For TypeScript Users
The "moduleResolution" compiler option must be set to either node16, nodenext or bundler for the import to work.

API Usage



Adds the given bitfields together.

bitfieldAdd(Permission.SendMessages, Permission.Speak, Permission.Connect);
// SendMessages, Speak, Connect


Subtracts the bitfields from left to right.

const permissions = add(Permission.SendMessages, Permission.Connect);
bitfieldSubtract(permissions, Permission.Connect); // SendMessages

bitfieldHas(bitfield, other)

Returns true if the bitfield bitfield has all of the bits of bitfield other.

const permissions = add(Permission.SendMessages, Permission.Connect);
bitfieldHas(permissions, Permission.Connect); // true


bitfieldValues(flags, bitfield)

Iterates over the value (e.g. 1 << 0) of the bits in the bitfield. The flags parameter is the object containing bitfield values (e.g. Permission from @discokit/types).

const permissions = add(Permission.SendMessages, Permission.Connect);
for (const flag of bitfieldValues(permissions)) {

This will log each flag's value.

bitfieldKeys(flags, bitfield)

Iterates over the keys (e.g. "ManageGuild") of the flags of the bitfield. The flags parameter is the object containing bitfield values (e.g. Permission from @discokit/types).

const permissions = add(Permission.SendMessages, Permission.Connect);
for (const flag of bitfieldKeys(permissions)) {

This will log each flag's key, which are "SendMessages" and "Connect".



If the bitfield is a number, the number is returned, otherwise if it's a bigint, the bigint is turned into a string.